Absolute Financial English B2-C1 Coursebook with Audio CD
ISBN: 9783125013285
Язык: English
Издательство: Delta Print
Год издания: 2017
Объём: 136 pages
Серия: ESP - Business English
Absolute Financial English is a new coursebook for students following a course of study in Financial English, written in particular for candidates preparing for Cambridge ICFE. Written by Julie Pratten it contains 10 units which provide over 60 hours of teaching material. Each unit is divided into four ections with each section covering one of the four skills; closely following the organization of Cambridge ICFE. Absolute Financial English- contains an introductory unit which describes the ICFE exam in detail including an introduction to each paper. — includes a SKILLS focus and an EXAM focus in every section of each unit, so both language and exam skills are introduced and practiced in a stimulating and methodical way. — provides extensive practice of the text types and tasks featured in the exam. — contains tips and hints to assist candidates with each section of the exam. — focuses on training, not testing. — can be used successfully in class and also for self-study. — includes a Language Bank of Useful Language, as well as all tape scripts and the answer key. Audios are available online free of charge.
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