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An Illustrated History of the USA

Bryn O´Callaghan

ISBN: 9780582749214

Язык: English

Издательство: Pearson

Год издания: 2003

Объём: 144 pp

An Illustrated History of the USA explores the development of the United States from its origins as a land inhabited by scattered Amerindian tribes to the culturally diverse but united country that we see today. Making extensive use of contemporary quotations made by famous figures such as Washington, Lincoln, and Edison, and also the parts played by the less famous – hopeful early settlers from Europe, black slaves on southern cotton plantations, student protesters against the Vietnam War. An Illustrated History of the USA shows how, in a little over two hundred years, the United States has developed from small beginnings into the most powerful nation on earth with far-reaching influence on the lives of people throughout the world.


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