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Establishing Self-Access – Paperback

David Gardner, Lindsay Miller

ISBN: 9780521585569

Язык: English

Издательство: Cambridge UP

Год издания: 1999

Объём: 296 pages

Establishing Self-Access examines establishing, maintaining and developing self-access language learning (SALL). While much of it presents practical ideas dealing with issues related to SALL, they are supported by references to relevant literature and research. This link between theory and practice makes the debate about SALL accessible and makes this a useful resource for establishing and running self-access learning facilities. Its unique features include a typology of self-access facilities; a discussion about how to manage self-access; a step by step guide on evaluating self-access; a wide variety of practical suggestions for implementing self-access in different contexts. It is suitable for anyone concerned with self-access, from pre-service teacher trainees to experienced teachers and from managers of dedicated self-access centres to administrators concerned with financing self-access facilities.

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