Imaginative Projects: A Resource Book of Project Work for Young Students
ISBN: 9780521668057
Язык: English
Издательство: Cambridge UP
Год издания: 2001
Объём: 128 pp
Imaginative Projects is a photocopiable supplementary resource book for teachers of EFL learners aged 11-17. This book provides a bank of ten projects, on themes designed to capture the imagination of students and encourage them to use English naturally in groups to work on the projects end product such as a poster, radio programme, or performance. This flexible material is linked to coursebook topics and language areas. Eight of the projects consist of four single lesson ´mini projects´ that can be used independently. It offers step-by-step teaching notes, a cross-referenced map of the book and a mini-map at the start each project. If you need a motivating, enjoyable alternative to supplement your coursebook, Imaginative Projects is ideal.
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