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Grammar 1 Workbook 1

Sara Wernham, Sue Lloyd, Sarah Wade

ISBN: 9781844144570

Язык: English

Издательство: Jolly Learning

Год издания: 2015

Объём: 24 p.

Серия: Jolly Grammar

The Grammar 1 Workbooks contain grammar, spelling and punctuation topics ideal for children who have completed their first year of phonics. These workbooks provide structured practice and support for children entering their second year of literacy learning after mastering basic reading and writing skills. Following the units covered in The Grammar 1 Handbook, Grammar 1 Workbooks 1-6 cover an academic year of fun activities that reflect Year 1/P1 teaching. Containing handy checklists for what children are learning in school, these workbooks enable children to be confident writers through independent practice. Ages 5+. Also available to purchase as a set of 1-6. Content Grammar 1 Workbook 1. Reinforcing: 42 letter sounds and alternative vowel spellings from the phonics year. Introducing: capital letters, initial consonant blends, sentence formation, proper nouns, common nouns & key rules for spelling.

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