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Knife Edge + audio (PER 4 Intermediate)

Malorie Blackman

ISBN: 9781447938088

Язык: English

Издательство: Pearson

Год издания: 2013

Объём: Mixed media product

This reader is accompanied with a CD that contains the full audio of the text in MP3 format.Persephone Hadley is six months pregnant with a mixed-race baby. In their society this fact alone will threaten the child´s life every day. To make matters worse, the baby´s father, Callum, is dead. He was hanged for terrorism months ago, but his presence still torments Sephy. And she´s not alone. Callum´s brother, Jude, blames Sephy for the death, and thirsts for revenge…in the form of her life. Obviously, Sephy is not fond of Jude, but when his actions take him to the brink of disaster, his life poised on a knife edge, can she stand by and do nothing? Will she be forced — once again — to take sides in a chilling racial drama?.

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