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Meaningful Action – Paperback

Jane Arnold, Tim Murphey

ISBN: 9781107610439

Язык: English

Издательство: Cambridge UP

Год издания: 2013

Объём: 352 pages

This work explores the importance of meaningful action for language teaching and learning, paying tribute to the enduring influence of Earl Stevick. With contributions from 19 ELT authors and influential academics, Meaningful Action draws upon and acknowledges the huge influence of Earl Stevick on language teaching. Stevick´s work on ´meaningful action´ explored how learners can engage with activities that appeal to sensory and cognitive processes, ensuring that meaning is constructed by the learner´s internal characteristics, and by their relationship with other learners and the teacher. This edited volume focuses on meaningful action in three domains: learner internal factors and relationships between the people involved in the learning process; classroom activity; and diverse frameworks supporting language learning.

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