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Move It! 1 SB

 Carolyn Barraclough, Katherine Stannett

ISBN: 9781447982685

Язык: English

Издательство: Pearson

Год издания: 2015

Объём: 128 pages

Серия: Move It!

“First course for teenagers fully implementing 21st Century Learning & Teaching prepares students to succeed in the contemporary world.Ideal for mixed-ability classes, the course personalizes the learning process.Rich modern media package saves teachers time and captures students´ attention. Complete Assessment Package to monitor students´ learning process.At the center of the course is the Student´s Book, which contains a vast array of innovative and motivating features to make your classes a real success.Starter Unit + 9 units with one lesson per page.3 Review sections.9 Brain Trainer pages.6 Culture pages.”

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