New Headway Intermediate Fourth Edition Teacher´s Resource Book
ISBN: 9780194768740
Язык: English
Издательство: Oxford UP
Год издания: 2014
Объём: Paperback 72 pages
The world´s best-selling English course — a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels.Headway´s trusted methodology combines solid grammar and practice, vocabulary development, and integrated skills with communicative role-plays and personalization.Authentic material from a variety of sources enables students to see new language in context, and a range of comprehension tasks, language and vocabulary exercises, and extension activities practise the four skills. ´Everyday English´ and ´Spoken grammar´ sections practise real-world speaking skills, and a writing section for each unit at the back of the book provides models for students to analyse and imitate.
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