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Task-Based Language Teaching (Cambridge Applied Linguistics) — Paperback

Natsuko Shintani, Rod Ellis

ISBN: 9781108713894

Язык: English

Издательство: Cambridge UP

Год издания: 2019

Объём: 430 pages

Серия: Task-Based Language Teaching (Cambridge Applied Linguistics)

Task-based language teaching is an approach which differs from traditional approaches by emphasising the importance of engaging learners´ natural abilities for acquiring language incidentally through the performance of tasks that draw learners´ attention to form. Drawing on the multiple perspectives and expertise of five leading authorities in the field, this book provides a comprehensive and balanced account of task-based language teaching (TBLT). Split into five sections, the book provides an historical account of the development of TBLT and introduces the key issues facing the area. A number of different theoretical perspectives that have informed TBLT are presented, followed by a discussion on key pedagogic aspects — syllabus design, methodology of a task-based lesson, and task-based assessment. The final sections consider the research that has investigated the effectiveness of TBLT, addresses critiques and suggest directions for future research. Task-based language teaching is now mandated by many educational authorities throughout the world and this book serves as a core source of information for researchers, teachers and students.

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