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The Concise Gray’s Anatomy

C.H. Leonard AMA, MD

ISBN: 9781853263941

Язык: English

Издательство: Wordsworth Editions

Год издания: 1997

Объём: 302 pages

In this, the sixteenth edition of the book originally published as The Pocket Anatomist by the distinguished American gynaecologist C.H. Leonard, are to be found the essential elements of the magisterial 1200-page Gray’s Anatomy, but available in a concise and useable form. In clear reset text and using the original illustrations from Gray’s Anatomy, the classic genius of the original work is distilled and presented as ’a Dissecting room Companion’. As Dr. Leonard himself wrote of this book, ’the larger portion of the work is simply „Gray” condensed and transposed’, while he also acknowledged his debt to Brown’s Aid to Anatomy and Bryant’s System of Surgery. This edition also contains a new foreword by The Lord Rea MD, MRCGP.


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