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The Leaving Home Survival Guide

Nicola Morgan

ISBN: 9781844287710

Язык: English

Издательство: Walker Books

Год издания: 2005

Объём: 336 pages

The ultimate guide to first-time home-leavers – don´t leave home without it! Everybody has at least one horror story about leaving home for the first time – when the pipes burst, the cooker caught fire, or your flatmate got scurvy from eating nothing but instant noodles. Now, Nicola Morgan´s guide to leaving home is here to help. With in-depth sections, including money, accommodation, food, health and happiness, as well as quick-reference guides for emergencies, this indispensible reference book contains everything a young adult will need to know when leaving the nest. More than just a book, this will provide peace of mind for parents and independence for the young person. Direct and practical in style for quick and easy use.


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