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The Voyage of the Arctic Tern

Hugh Montgomery

ISBN: 9780744592511

Язык: English

Издательство: Walker Books

Год издания: 2002

Объём: 212 pages

The Voyage of the Arctic Tern is a classic tale of treason, treachery and treasure that sweeps across many centuries and different lands, from Scandinavia to Spain to the south-west of England. At its heart is the ship’s skipper, Bruno, cursed to a life of eternal wandering for a moment of greed and betrayal. His quest for release brings him to the court of the King of Spain and a battle with an ancient adversary, the villainous pirate Mad Dog Morgan. Can Bruno and his crew set right the wrongs of the past and present? Will good triumph over evil? How can The Arctic Tern’s captain ever find the redemption he seeks?


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