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Pluricultural Language Education and the CEFR – Paperback

Judith Runnels, Nick Saville

ISBN: 9781108932660

Язык: English

Издательство: Cambridge UP

Год издания: 2021

Объём: 328 pages

To meet the needs of adult language learners in modern communicative contexts, pluralistic approaches to language education such as Pluricultural Language Education (PLE) are emerging. These approaches aim to recognise and build on individuals´ full linguistic and cultural repertoires and trajectories throughout the language learning process. Based on the CEFR´s perspectives on pluriculturalism, autonomous learning and the action-oriented approach to language use, this volume´s interpretation of PLE involves enhancing language learners´ knowledge and awareness of diversity and individual perspective in communicative situations, and developing mediation and autonomous learning skills.This volume mobilises teachers, managers, curriculum and materials developers, and other stakeholders to incorporate CEFR-informed pluriculturalism into language education practice in a flexible, stepwise and contextualised manner.

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