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You Can Change Your Life

Russell Grant

ISBN: 9780091908485

Язык: English

Издательство: Ebury Publishing

Год издания: 2006

Объём: 516 pages

In this ground-breaking book, Russell Grant reveals how each and every one of us has our own personal solar system, an arrangement of planets that is unique to us and is defined at birth. If we can learn how to tap into this, we will discover how to draw on these different aspects of our personalities to cope with the challenges we encounter every day of our lives. It is the planets, not the stars, that govern the way we behave. Understand how to work with them, and they could become our own personal inner circle of advisers and friends, counsellors and confidantes, motivating, inspiring and guiding us to change our lives for ever. Taking as his starting point our very own birth chart, Russell explains how to read the chart and how to spot where each of the planets lies. Using real life case histories, he reveals how the path of a life can be altered if the subjects could only be made more aware of their inner personalities. Blending astrology with psychology, this book is set to redefine the way we think about not just astrology but about ourselves.


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