All Creatures Great and Small A2
ISBN: 9788853021311
Язык: English
Издательство: Cideb
Год издания: 2022
Объём: 96
In 1937, a young vet called James Herriot gets a job in Britain’s wild, windy Yorkshire Dales. He learns to work with tough local farmers, unusual pet owners and his untidy boss Siegfried. He meets kicking cows, biting dogs and angry horses, but he finds love too and becomes a real Yorkshireman.
This reader also contains:
* A wide range of skills practice
* Cambridge English A2 Key and Trinity (Grade 3) style activities
* Think! and Values & Feelings activities
* Dossiers: Farming in the UK, then and now; Visiting the beautiful Yorkshire Dales!
* Full recording of the text
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