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How to Write Proposals and Reports that Get Results

Ros Jay

ISBN: 9780273644972

Язык: English

Издательство: Pearson

Год издания: 2003

Объём: 163

Master the skills of effective business writing to achieve the results you want.
Reports and proposals are a standard management tool without which it would be impossible to function efficiently. Your typical day at work is bound to include reports and proposals that need to be written, and fast. Whether it´s producing monthly reports, research reports, or new business proposals for customers, as a manager you will need to be able to write effectively. Not only that, a well-written report or proposal will get you noticed, helping to raise your profile at work and even winning you a promotion.

Despite this, most of us are never formally taught how to write them. It´s just assumed that we´ll know, and yet we´ve all read enough badly written reports to know it isn´t that simple. And the difference between a good and bad proposal can be the difference between winning and losing a contract or your great ideas never getting off the starting block.

How to Write Proposals and Reports that Get Results gives you all the skills that are needed to present information in the most effective way. Everything you need to help you establish a clear objective, collect and select the information you need, and choose the right structure is included. Learn how to use graphics and charts to support your argument and make your report as compelling as it can be. Once you´ve mastered the basics, each new report you write will be easier, saving you both time and effort — putting you in the position where the best projects come your way.


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