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Language Test Construction and Evaluation – Paperback

J. Charles Alderson, Caroline Clapham

ISBN: 9780521478298

Язык: English

Издательство: Cambridge UP

Год издания: 1995

Объём: 324 pages

Language Test Construction and Evaluation describes the process of language test construction clearly and comprehensively. Each chapter deals with one stage of the test construction process; from drafting initial test specifications, to reporting test scores, test validation and washback. In addition, current practice in the examining of English as a Foreign Language by different examining boards is reviewed in order to compare testing principles with present test practice. The focus is on the practical: it does not assume a statistical background but explains and demystifies the procedures and concepts that are relevant to the construction and evaluation of language tests. Language Test Construction and Evaluation will provide an invaluable reference for anyone who wishes to understand how language tests are, and should be, constructed.

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