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MyGrammarLab Advanced C1/C2 Class audio CDs (4)
MyGrammarLabteaches and practises grammar through a unique blend of book, online and mobile resources – offering every learner of English the opportunity to study grammar in the way that best suits their needs.
The Class Audio CD contains all the listening for the MyGrammarLab book to use in the classroom.
41,70 €
4 на складе
Похожее товары
MyGrammarLab Elementary Class audio Class Audio CDs (4)
26,25 € >
MyGrammarLab Intermediate (B1/B2) MyEnglishLab SOAC (Class use — Key)
21,59 € >
MyGrammarLab Advanced (C1/C2) MyEnglishLab SOAC (Class use — Key)
21,59 € >
MyGrammarLab Advanced (C1/C2) CBk + MyEnglishLab (Class use — Key)
37,67 € >
MyGrammarLab Intermediate (B1/B2) CBk + MyEnglishLab (Self study + Key)
37,67 € >
MyGrammarLab Advanced C1/C2 Class audio CDs (4)
41,70 € >
MyGrammarLab Advanced (C1/C2) CBk + MyEnglishLab (Self study + Key)
37,67 € >
MyGrammarLab Intermediate (B1/B2) MyEnglishLab SOAC (Self study + Key)
21,59 € >
MyGrammarLab Advanced (C1/C2) MyEnglishLab SOAC (Self study + Key)
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