Teaching and Researching Listening
ISBN: 9780582369306
Язык: English
Издательство: Pearson
Год издания: 2002
Объём: 309 pp.
Teaching and Researching: Listening provides an up-to-date summary of teaching and researching listening to meet the changing needs of language and linguistics students, teachers and researchers. Firstly discussing the history, context and background to listening, it then looks at key questions which can be addressed through research and provides practical ideas for linking research issues to actual teaching practice. Michael Rost treats listening in language learning as a distinct field of inquiry, arguing that that the traditional way of including listening as part of oral language or communication studies does not give the topic adequate treatment.Teaching and Researching: Listening provides a thorough and practical treatment of both the linguistic and the pragmatic processes that are involved in oral language use from the perspective of the listener.. Through understanding the interaction between these processes, language educators and researchers can develop more insightful, valid and effective ways of teaching and researching listening. The inclusion of a broad range of ideas and practical tools for the construction of teaching and research models will engage and inform all those investigating communicative language use. Written in a highly accessible style, Teaching and Researching: Listening has a variety of learning aids and teaching resources: -definitions of key concepts in psycholinguistics -concept boxes allowing readers to review key ideas -quotes from leading figures in applied linguistics — categorisation of instructional concepts related to oral language teaching — analysis of testing practices — a range of realistic research projects, including procedural guidelines.
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