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What´s it Like? Life and Culture in Britain Today TBk

Joanne Collie, Alex Martin

ISBN: 9780521586610

Язык: English

Издательство: Cambridge UP

Год издания: 2000

Объём: 96 pp.

Серия: What´s It Like?

The study of culture is increasingly being recognized as being integral to the study of language. This British cultural studies course is for students at an intermediate to upper-intermediate level in upper secondary or university level education, or in any context where culture forms part of an English language course.
The 10 units explore the variety and realities of lifestyles in contemporary British society through a range of broad topics such as cultural diversity, sport, food, education, holidays and leisure.
This Teacher´s Book contains background information for each unit, clear teaching notes, tapescripts, answers and optional activity suggestions. It is accompanied by a Cassette.


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