More Work in Progress CBk
ISBN: 9780582278325
Язык: English
Издательство: Pearson
Год издания: 2005
Объём: 144 pages
Серия: Work in Progress
More Work in Progress provides intermediate level learners with practice and consolidation in the language they need to work in an adminisrative or clerical environment. The course material is based on extensive observation of personnel in four real companies, from the worlds of retail, manufacturing, the media and services. It enables learners to develop their language skills through a variety of authentic tasks, giving them the confidence to be effective communicators in the workplace.
The Workbook provides additional activities for use either in the classroom or for self-study. Each unit consolidates the language covered in the Course Book and includes work on pronounciation and intonation, commercial correspondence and dialogues.
The Teacher´s Resource Book contains comprehensive teaching notes and background information, help on how to exploit the material in a range of teaching situations, progress tests, photocopiable activities and a full answer key.
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