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Work in Progress WBk

Andy Hopkins, Jocelyn Potter

ISBN: 9780582278295

Язык: English

Издательство: Pearson

Год издания: 2001

Объём: 51 pages

Серия: Work in Progress

Work in Progress provides elementary level learners with practice and consolidation in the language they need to work in a secretarial, adminisrative or clerical environment. The course material is based on extensive observation of personnel in four real companies, from the worlds of retail, public relations, manufacturing and the media. It enables learners to develop their language skills through a variety of authentic tasks, giving them the confidence to be effective communicators in the workplace.

This Workbook provides additional activities for use either in the classroom or for self-study. Each unit consolidates the language covered in the Course Book and is divided into three parts focusing on different skills.


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