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Alienation and Self-Awareness + CD + Key

Guglielmo Corrado, Laura Stagno

ISBN: 9788877546043

Язык: English

Издательство: Black Cat Publishing

Год издания: 2001

Объём: 128 pages

Серия: Web of Themes

Alienation and Self-Awareness is one of the modules in the Web of Themes collection. This module focuses on the theme of alienation and self-awareness, and offers a ѕelection of poems and extracts from novels and plays written by 19th- and 20th-century British and American authors. This book serves as a springboard for stylistic analysis and language generation. It provides an introduction to the theme (Brainstorming and Thematic Windows), the authors’ biodata, plot synopsis, carefully ѕelected texts accompanied by explanatory notes, and challenging graded activities starting with comprehension and leading to stylistic analysis. A basic glossary of literary terms helps to consolidate students’ linguistic competence, and aquaints them with literary terminology: setting, narration, characterisation, viewpoint, theme, tone, mood, etc. Textual analysis is complemented by Movie Flashes, which provide information about the most famous films derived from or inspired by the texts covered in the module, Music Flashes, and Drawing the Threads Together, a self-assessment section. An Xpansion Card and a series of Internet links are also provided for students who want to expand their knowledge of the alienation and self-awareness themes in English, French and Italian literature. Looking into Visual Arts is a colourful, thematically linked section that contextualises what the students have read and introduces them to famous pictures by well-known artists. The accompanying recording includes dramatic readings of the texts, providing a model for accuracy in pronounciation.


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