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Jennifer Gascoigne

ISBN: 9788853007117

Язык: English

Издательство: Cideb

Год издания: 2008

Объём: 128

Серия: Grammar

English Grammar Framework A2 is ideal for students who are at the levels described as A1 or A2 by the Common European Framework of Reference: at the end of this book students will have studied all the structures required for full A2 competence. The book is ideal for students preparing for the Cambridge ESOL KET exam, Trinity exams grades 1-5, and the Preliminary and Access levels of the City and Guilds Pitman suite of exams. English Grammar Framework A2 contains 52 units. The accompanying audio CD/CD-ROM offers a wealth of interactive material, including exercises on all the topic areas in the Waystage learning objectives of the CEFR, KET-style exercises, as well as recordings of the dialogues and other selected activities in the book.


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