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English Profile in Practice – Paperback

Julia Harrison, Fiona Barker

ISBN: 9781107493988

Keel: English

Kirjastus: Cambridge UP

Ilmumisaasta: 2015

Maht: 144 pages

English Profile in Practice is an essential resource for teachers, syllabus designers, educational planners, language testers, and other ELT professionals working with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). It includes: information about the English Vocabulary Profile, which describes the words and phrases learners of English know and use at each level of the CEFR; fascinating insights into the English Grammar Profile, exploring what it means to develop grammatical proficiency; discussion about what language learners´ output ´looks like´ at each of the CEFR levels; and information about how English Profile research is being used in the field of ELT.

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