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Get on Stage! – Teacher´s Book with DVD and Audio CD

Herbert Puchta, Günther Gerngross

ISBN: 9781107637757

Keel: English

Kirjastus: Cambridge UP

Ilmumisaasta: 2012

Maht: 224 pages

Get on Stage! is a photocopiable resource book with 21 original sketches and plays for young learners and teens. The book is divided into four sections: Short humorous sketches, Medium-length sketches, Medium-length plays based on traditional stories and teen dramas. The DVD contains video recordings of three sample plays. The Audio CD contains audio recordings of a further 11 plays, and photocopiable worksheets to check students´ comprehension and practise key vocabulary, lexical chunks and grammar. It also shows co-author Matt Devitt, professional actor and theatre director, rehearsing a play with a group of students.

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