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Jolly Plays

Louise Van-Pottelsberghe

ISBN: 9781844148936

Keel: English

Kirjastus: Jolly Learning

Ilmumisaasta: 2021

Maht: 112 p.

Jolly Plays is designed to help children become fluent and confident readers, with well-developed speaking and listening skills. As with Jolly Phonics, the teaching in Jolly Plays is multisensory, active and fun. Each of the six plays in this book comes with a number of additional teaching resources and cross-curricular activities, which can be used whether the children perform the plays or simply read them aloud. All of the parts. in each play are colour coded to help teachers select the right part for each child, and there are songs and nonspeaking parts for less confident children, ensuring that everyone in the class is included. Jolly Plays provides:. • Six reproducible play scripts, which are decodable at the Jolly Phonics Purple Level. • A large number of mask and prop templates, for use when performing the plays. • Six songs, with reproducible song lyrics and downloadable audio. • Comprehension and discussion questions for each play. • Story sequencing and reading comprehension activities for each play. • Cross-curricular activity suggestions including art, craft, science, physical education and cooking suggestions, as well as literacy activities.. and much more!

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