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Solutions Upper-Intermediate DVD-ROM Second Edition

ISBN: 9780194552769

Keel: English

Kirjastus: Oxford UP

Maht: DVD video


A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure, supported approach to speaking, practice, and exam preparation still at its heart.The DVD-ROM contains a mixture of interviews, documentary-style cultural clips and functional dialogue scenes. Corresponding activities from the Listening, Culture or Everyday English lessons in the Students Book help students explore the video content in more depth.The video material matches the level of the unit and reinforces the specific grammar and vocabulary being taught, as well as exploring topics of interest to students.The video content helps students absorb key communication skills such as pronunciation and intonation, and the accompanying DVD-ROM worksheets provide you with ready-made, preparation-free lessons.

Tarne 2-5 päeva


1 laos


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