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Your Space, Level 1 – Student´s Book

Martyn Hobbs, Julia Starr Keddle

ISBN: 9780521729239

Keel: English

Kirjastus: Cambridge UP

Ilmumisaasta: 2012

Maht: 144 pages

Sari: Your Space

The Level 1 Student´s Book contains ten visually appealing units and ample material for extra practice and extension including ´Communication´ activities with accompanying ´Phrasebook´. Students are encouraged to notice new language in context in the ´Language focus´ sections, then are given clear guidance to its use in ´Language space´. A ten-page Welcome section for students coming from Primary school reinforces language.´Get it right!´ sections informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus help students tackle problem areas. A gripping graphic story at the back of book provides enjoyable extended reading.

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