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Super Minds Starter Workbook with Digital Pack American English 2nd ed.

Herbert Puchta, Peter Lewis-Jones, Günter Gerngross

ISBN: 9781108920919

Language: American English

Publisher: Cambridge UP

Year of publication: 2022

Number of pages: 112 p.

Series: Super Minds

Let the super friends and the explorers take your learners on the seven-level adventure, with their super powers and talent for solving mysteries! The course is aligned with the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, with a particular focus on critical and creative thinking skills, to create curious and successful lifelong learners. Each unit builds on the story and explores a Big Question, through activities, projects and videos. There are five videos per unit, bringing the stories, songs, grammar and CLIL content to life for young learners. Super Minds Second edition is designed for classes doing 5+ hours of English a week, and progresses young learners towards B1, with plenty of excitement along the way.

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