FAQ – Frequently asked questions

  1. The product is out of stock in the web store. How do I find out if and when I can order it ?
    You can contact us directly via phone or e-mail.
  2. How will I know if the book I ordered has arrived?
    If the book you ordered has arrived then we will contact you immediately via phone or e-mail – per the agreed method of communication.
  3. Can I purchase used books in ExLibris?
    Yes, since 2023 we also sell used books.
  4. Do the same prices and discounts apply in the ExLibris webstore and Dialoog stores?
    Prices which are not discounted are the same in both, however, the discount system is different and the same discounted products may have different prices in the ExLibris webstore and Dialoog stores.
  5. Can I return the book I bought?
    Yes, the book can be returned within 14 days after you received it. Contact us and tell us of the reason for the return.
  6. After purchasing the book I discovered some defects, caused by the publisher. Can I return the book and get a refund?
    If there are defects in the book, caused by the publisher, you can exchange the book or get a refund. This applies if you notify us within 6 months of the delivery.
  7. How long does it take to complete my order?
    If the ordered product is in stock then the whole process takes 3-5 workdays from paying the invoice. If the product is not in stock then the delivery may take 3 to 6 weeks. The delivery may take even longer if the books have not been published yet or are temporarily out of print or if the publication is difficult to obtain.

If you did not find the answer to your questions, contact us: [email protected]