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Grammar Songs and Raps – Teacher´s Book with Audio CDs (2)

Herbert Puchta, Matthew Devitt

ISBN: 9781107625181

Language: English

Publisher: Cambridge UP

Year of publication: 2012

Number of pages: 140 pages

Songs and Grammar Raps for young learners and teens covers key grammar structures for levels A1 and A2. It offers 21 original songs and raps, one per grammar structure, for presenting and practising key grammar structures in fun, dynamic and multi-sensory ways to help students remember the structures better and anchor them in their long-term memory. The book contains photocopiable handouts, and is accompanied by two audio CDs containing all the songs and raps. For each song or rap you will find clear, step-by-step teaching notes, including lead-in activities, listening tasks and game-like follow up activities.

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